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Know the 4 different types of solar PV systems

different types of solar PV systems

The different types of solar PV systems are coined on the basis of:

  • The individual’s electricity needs
  • The back is required when the sun is not available
  • Location, and
  • The financial feasibility of the solar system.

Well, in order to use, consume, preserve and store energy from the solar panels.

We need other components like a solar charge controllerinverter, and batteries for the backup, to make the required configuration.

Yes, the diode plays an important role in the smooth functioning of your solar PV system which I am not discussing in this article.

All or some of the above-mentioned components are required depending upon the type of the solar PV systems.

There are 4 basic types of solar systems which are as follows:

1. The Direct Solar PV Systems

Off grid solar PV systems without battery backup.

This is the simplest of all the solar electric systems.

It does not have a battery backup.

The PV array produces DC electricity which is converted into AC electricity through the Inverter and runs the ac load.

This system produces electricity when the sun shines and stops when sunlight is not available.

​So, if you are a farmer and want to water your fields then this type of system matches your need as you can run the motor using this configuration and can water crops.

You know watering is usually done in the morning and with the rise of the sun, the solar panels start producing current and your motor starts pumping water into the fields.

This configuration is suitable for locations with good sunlight.

Off-Grid without battery

2. Off-Grid Solar PV Systems

Off-grid solar PV systems with battery.

The off-grid system has a battery back attached to it.

The size of the PV array is generally kept large so that it can produce enough current for running the electrical appliances and charging batteries simultaneously.

During the night or under bad weather conditions, the batteries act as a backup and provide current to run the appliances.

These types of systems are best suited for remote locations where there is no grid supply like mountainous regions.

Off-Grid system with battery backup

In hilly terrain, it is very difficult, impractical, and very costly to set up grid supply.

While on the other hand, the solar system can be easily customized and set up and is financially rewarding too.

Read: The price of 5-kW solar power system in India

3. Grid-tied solar PV systems with battery backup

Grid tied solar PV system

This is similar to the off-grid system but it is also connected to the grid supply. 

The benefit of this system is that you have 3 sources of power, namely:

  • Sunlight
  • Batteries
  • Grid

During the day when sunlight is good, this system uses solar energy to run the appliances.

At night, the charged batteries take the lead and power the house.

In case, there is no sun and batteries are exhausted too then one can withdraw current from the grid supply.

With this kind of configuration, you are always sitting under the running fan.

Moreover, if your solar power system is producing extra units then you can feed to the grid through net metering and get compensated for those extra units.

“This is best suited for the locations where the cost of the electricity from the grid supply is expensive and erratic for those whose electricity needs are more”

Grid-tied with battery backup

​This system helps in saving units thus saving money.

4. Grid-tied systems without the battery backup

This system is almost similar to the direct system but it adds grid supply in its configuration.

One can easily switch between solar electricity and grid electricity.

When there is no sunlight, one can switch to the grid and can run the household appliances.

The net-metering feature can be implemented in this type of configuration and extra units produced can be fed to the grid through this feature.

One can choose this configuration when the grid supply is regular but expensive.

Grid-tied system without battery backup

Thus making solar electricity comparatively cheaper than grid electricity, resulting in more savings and hence better returns.

Online solar course
Online solar course


So, one can design solar PV systems as per one’s requirement based on his/her electricity needs, budget, location, and the feasibility of the solar roof in that location.

The efficiency of your solar roof depends on the quality of solar panels that (along with the inverter and the solar charge controller) you are using while designing the required configuration.

The use of good-quality solar components can significantly improve the payback period and the financial feasibility of your solar PV system.

Posted in Solar 101

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