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Know the PERC solar cells technology in solar panels.

PERC technology

Solar panels with PERC solar cells have an efficiency of up to 22%.

Because our scientists and solar engineers are constantly making efforts to revolutionize solar cell technology.

that can further improve the efficiencies of the solar panels. 

In this post, we’re going to learn about relatively new technology PERC Solar Cell technology.

What is PERC solar cells technology?

It stands for Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC).

Passivation is the process of adding an extra layer at the back of the solar cell that increases its overall efficiency.

Therefore, PERC solar cell is simply a more efficient solar cell.

And the panels made from this technology are more efficient in converting sunlight into electricity than panels made from traditional solar cells.

PERC solar cells vs. Standard solar cells

Both are made from monocrystalline silicon solar cells and use the same principle of absorbing sunlight and producing electricity.

Also, one is not much different from another in configuration.

Except that in PERC solar cell, a Passivated layer is pasted at the back of it that provides certain benefits which increase the overall efficiency of the cell.

How does back surface increases the efficiency?

The passivated surface provides 3 main benefits:

1) It reduces electron-hole combination

The electrons on absorbing sunlight get excited and reach the conduction band and leave a hole behind in the valence band.

After a time gap (on a scale of nanoseconds), these electrons lose the absorbed energy and recombine with holes, creating electron-hole recombination.

Each recombination acts as a barrier to other free electrons to produce a consistent current.

The integrated passivated layer at the back of the solar cell reduces this recombination and boosts the efficiency of the solar cell.

2) Fewer heating losses

All the sunlight that falls on the solar cell is not converted into current.

It performs well and produces current at certain wavelengths of light up to 1180 nanometers. 

The solar cell absorbs the wavelengths that are out of this range. Hence raising the cell temperature.


we know that the solar cell’s performance deteriorates at higher temperatures.

This passivated layer at the back of the cell reduces this heating effect by reflecting these wavelengths, hence improving the efficiency of the solar cell.

3)Captures more light

Sometimes, the just passes through the solar cell without producing any effect neither current nor heat.

This Passivated layer reflects those useful wavelengths back to the solar cell, giving a second chance to produce current. Thereby, making it more efficient.

In addition, not many modifications are required by the manufacturers to their existing production lines.

Therefore, it is easy, cost-effective, and feasible to produce efficient PERC solar cells.

Top manufacturers of PERC solar panels

Because of the above-mentioned benefits and its cost-effectiveness, many top solar panel manufacturers are implementing this technology and are producing high-quality PERC solar panels.


​few among the best are:

Final thoughts on PERC solar cells technology

If you’re a homeowner who is interested in solar power then looking for PERC solar panels could be one of the options that you should consider.

As these are more efficient than the standard solar panels available in the market, it means they’ll occupy less surface area than that standard one with similar power ratings.

Additionally, it also improves the overall profitability of the complete solar power system.

Posted in Solar Technology

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    • ykumar1405

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